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My artistic practice rotates around my exploration of self and community. As being a queer person is very important to my identity it is a key informer of my work. This queerness is therefore multifaceted: coming from a personal standpoint, experience within the wider LGBTQIA+ community, and through the histories associated with queer existence.


My work juxtaposes the personal and the political in a socially engaged approach, blurring the edges of the two as: who says the personal cannot also be political? The core ideas I have been exploring include the systematic erasure, censorship, and lack of visibility for queer identifying people in society and the media.


I do this with the intention of rectifying the matter within my artwork, whilst mirroring louder shouts to be heard from the community to the quiet politics of everyday existence on a personal level.


While working as an interdisciplinary artist, my practice has developed from naturally occurring conversations between different media and the reframing of ideas. Due to this, many of my materials have gone through transitional processes alongside me, by being part of one piece, then another, and changing in a continuous cycle because of my personal preference for the ethos of reusing and repurposing in an endurance of materiality. However, the objects I use tend to keep their symbolic relevance as a constant, changing only through what is done to them, and their relation in regards to other objects used.


In recent work I have taken on a self-documentary approach, recording my personal discoveries, explorations and behaviours regarding gender identity and presentation. This has been a transitional endurance piece, focusing on time, movement and light to explore concepts in an on-going conversation. To do this I’ve been interweaving the use of mix media installations, sculpture, performance and painting, with documentary photography and video. My work has also developed to include the idea of being truthfully present and vulnerable as an artist, putting raw realities on show to be seen.

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